Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are among the most common type of injury for bushwalkers. Sprains and Strains are caused by overstretching, such as when you roll and ankle.

Sprains are injuries caused by stretching or tearing of ligaments. Ligaments are supportive tissue that connects two or more bones.
Strains are injuries to muscle or tendons caused by overstretching. Muscles provide power and tendons are tissue that connects muscle to bone

Sprains and strains can range from a minor annoyance through to requiring medical evacuation. The seriousness mostly depends on which tissue is effective and how much damage is caused. The severity may also be impacted by pre-existing injuries.

It can be difficult to tell in some cases if the injury is a sprain/strain, dislocation of fracture. If in doubt manage as a fracture.

Signs & Symptoms


Follow the RICE protocol below as soon as possible after the injury.

Rest – stop and allow the person to rest the injury.
Ice – Cool the area as best you can.
Ideally, we would apply an ice pack or cold pack for 15 minutes every 2 hours for 24 hours, then for 15 minutes every 4 hours for 24 hours.
On a bushwalk, this may mean using the coldest water we can find and pour it over a cotton bandage.
Compression – apply a firm (not very tight) bandage to compress the area as well as above and below the injured area.
Elevation – elevate the injured part.

Seeking help